Mijn Easyjet Zwartboek
Deze zomer zouden we voor een reünie met internationale vrienden naar Engeland gaan. Door corona werd dit voornemen verstoord. Onze reis naar Engeland hadden we geboekt bij Easyjet. De ervaringen met deze treurige organisatie zijn dusdanig, dat zij als waarschuwing kunnen dienen voor iedereen die ooit overweegt met Easyjet te vliegen. Lees en huiver.
Meer dan 50 jaar geleden woonden wij in Bristol, Engeland, waar ik aan de Universiteit van Bristol gepromoveerd ben in de Theoretische Chemie, in feite een tak van de natuurkunde. Uit die periode hebben we vrienden voor het leven overgehouden, uit Australië, Canada, uiteraard Engeland en ook andere delen van de wereld. Aangezien onze promotor Prof. David Buckingham in 2020 de leeftijd van 90 bereikte, was het voornemen gegroeid om dat jaar in Oxford een reünie te houden. Door Corona strandde dit mooie plan.
Onze reis naar Engeland hadden we geboekt bij Easyjet. De ervaringen met deze treurige organisatie zijn dusdanig, dat zij als waarschuwing kunnen dienen voor iedereen die ooit overweegt met Easyjet te vliegen. Lees en huiver.
In chronologische volgorde ziet u hier alle relevante correspondentie;
April 25, 2020
Contactinformatie op de website van Easyjet was moeilijk te vinden. Uiteindelijk kon een probleem slechts aangekaart worden via een formulier op de website:
Original Message …
From: C.A. de Lange
To: easyjet_prod_email@ejprodmail.verinthms.com
Subject: easyJet General Enquiry – Bereavement & Serious Illness [en]
Sent: 25/04/2020 19:05
Your details
First name: Cornelis
Last name: De Lange
Booking reference e.g. EFG123H: EZY2158
Flight date: 11/08/2020
Email address used when booking: C.A. de Lange
Contact number: +31*********
Your question
Your question is about: Bereavement & Serious Illness
Your question:
Dear Sir, Madam
We have an insurmountable problem with our bookings in August 2020. The bookings are EZY2158 on August 11, and EZY6167 on August 25, 2020. We were planning to visit the UK in August together with Canadian friends. Unfortunately both my wife and I were recently infected with the corona virus, and I spent several days in hospital. Right now we both are slowly recovering but still very weak. We were advised not to travel this summer.
As a result we and our Canadian friends were forced to postpone our plans for England probably for a year. At this point we do not know how such a possible trip would have to take shape. Our present reservations are therefore useless. Much to our regret we therefore have to cancel our booking for August. We are very sorry to have to confront you with this cancellation which is beyond our control.
We would be very grateful if you could refund the sums for both flights that we paid earlier into our bank account.
With best regards
Annette and Kees de Lange
April 28, 2020
De reactie was snel en correct. Let op het gebruikte e-mailadres:
On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 9:51 AM <customer.service@easyjet.com> wrote:
Dear Cornelis
Thank you for contacting us.
I am sorry to hear about your medical condition and that you are no longer able to travel with us as planned.
In order to consider a full refund of your booking, all that we need is a copy of a doctor’s letter or note just confirming the medical condition.
Kind regards,
easyJet Customer Services
fly us: www.easyJet.com
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Mobile App
May 11, 2020
On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 4:39 PM C.A. de Lange wrote to customer.service@easyjet.com:
Dear Sir/Madam
Earlier I contacted you because of our recent corona problems. In response, you requested a doctor’s letter to confirm that we cannot travel this summer. Since the health care in this country is overextended, obtaining such a letter took some time. However, I received a copy today and I am attaching the relevant file. The letter is in Dutch, but I am sure that someone in your organisation is able to translate it.
I would appreciate it very much if you could transfer the full refund for my wife and myself into my Dutch bank account. The number is and the account is ****************** in the name of C.A. de Lange. Our bookings were EZY2158 on August 11, and EZY6167 on August 25, 2020.
If there is any problem, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards
Annette and Kees de Lange
Brief van de huisarts was aangehecht, waarin vermeld werd dat mijn echtgenote en ik deze zomer ten gevolge van Corona niet in staat waren te reizen.
Op deze brief werd nooit een reactie ontvangen:
July 3, 2020
On Fri, Jul 3, 2020 at 10:25 AM C.A. de Lange wrote to customer.service@easyjet.com:
Dear Sir/Madam
Some considerable time ago I contacted you, because due to corona illness I could not travel this summer. At your request I sent you a statement of my medical doctor underlining this fact. Actually, after I sent you this statement, I had to spend another week in hospital with the after-effects of corona, only supporting the earlier declaration.
Despite attempts on my part to ask you about the state of affairs with the full refund that my wife and I requested, nothing of any substance has occurred so far. I would much appreciate it if you could let me know at your earliest convenience when the refund can be expected. In the unlikely case that you need more information on my part, I would like to hear as soon as possible what such information might involve.
I would appreciate it very much if you could transfer the full refund for my wife and myself into my Dutch bank account. The number is and the account is ******************* in the name of C.A. de Lange. Our bookings were EZY2158 on August 11, and EZY6167 on August 25, 2020.
Yours sincerely,
Prof dr C.A. de Lange
The Netherlands
August 13, 2020
Aug 13, 2020, 12:03 PM
C.A. de Lange wrote to customer.service@easyjet.com
Dear Sir/Madam,
On July 3, 2020 I sent you an e-mail (see below in blue) in what has become a series of e-mails on the fact that my wife and I cannot travel this summer due to corona. Earlier on I sent you, at your request, a medical declaration to this effect. So far I have not received any relevant reply. In my honest opinion this is no way to treat your customers, and I am increasingly annoyed about your lack of relevant information on how you intend to handle the problem that has arisen. What was originally a request on my part, has now developed into a serious complaint about the way in which you handle this issue.
What we did receive recently was information about the flights that we initially booked, but due to illness could not (Amsterdam- Luton, EZY2158 on August 11) or can not (Bristol-Amsterdam, EZY6167 on August 25, 2020) make use of. As you may understand, this information (about changes in departure time, and about customer satisfaction ) is obviously totally useless to us, and a waste of everybody’s time.
As far as I am aware, we have sent you all the information on our part that you ever requested. There would therefore seem to be no logical reason why you have not settled the issue at hand a long time ago. As you may understand, we shall not hide our dissatisfaction with Easyjet from our friends and colleagues.
Again, and with even more emphasis than before, I am requesting you to refund the amount we paid in booking these flights. This game of silence has lasted long enough.
Prof dr C.A. de Lange
THIS IS AN AUTOMATED RESPONSE – WE’RE SORRY, THIS MAILBOX IS NOT MONITORED Your enquiry We’re sorry, this email address is not in use and we have not received your email. The quickest and easiest way to get in touch is to chat with us. We’re available 8am – 5pm daily and you can do everything through chatting with us that you can do if you call us, including taking secure payments. You can chat to us by visiting our Help Page. If you prefer talking to us, you can call our Customer Services Team on 0330 365 500 between 08:00 – 17:00 (local time) 7 days a week. Alternatively, you can visit our frequently asked questions directly on our website. Managing & changing your booking If your email relates to an existing booking made directly on easyJet.com or the easyJet mobile app amendments must be made online via Manage Bookings on easyJet.com. You will need the email address used to make the booking and password to access the account. Our Customer Service Team are there to help customers who are unable to manage their bookings online or are in need of special assistance. Changes that can be made online via Manage Bookings include:
Please note: If your booking was made through a travel agent, please contact your travel agent directly. Compensation for Cancellations & Delays over 3 Hours If you are applying for EU261 compensation for a flight which was recently cancelled or delayed by over three hours, you can only do this by completing our online Compensation Claim Form which allows a member of our Customer Services Team to assess your claim. Reimbursement of expenses can only be claimed by completing our online Expense Claim Form. Flight Status Updates You can check your flight status online using our Flight Tracker which provides live departure and arrival information up to 48 hours in advance. Up-to-date general travel information is published on our Latest Travel Information page. Regards, easyJet Customer Services fly us: www.easyJet.com |
Het emailadres customer.service@easyjet.com bleek niet langer in gebruik. Na het nodige zoeken zou het emailadres customer.support@easyjet.com toegang tot de organisatie moeten bieden. De email van 13 augustus heb ik op diezelfde dag alsnog verzonden naar dit adres.
25 August, 2020
Aug 25. 2020
On August 13, 2020, I sent you an e-mail which on the one hand was a reminder of your lack of adequate response to a series of earlier queries on my part, and on the other hand a formal complaint. For completeness, I am including a copy of this e-mail below.
So far I have not received any response, not even a simple acknowledgement of receipt of my complaint. In my opinion this negligent behaviour is unworthy of a company that claims to have the interests of its customers at heart.
It is difficult to correspond with a company that fails to react adequately to simple requests and formal complaints. A company that persists in this type of behaviour deserves to be put to shame publicly. After many attempts on my part to get the issue settled, my patience has definitely run out. I shall therefore prepare the entire dossier for publication and distribute it on the internet.
I regret that I have to take such drastic measures. On the other hand, I may expect some elementary decency on the part of a company that operates in the public domain. It is important that the general public is aware on what to expect from Easyjet.
The above obviously does not stand in the way of my request to refund my earlier payments to my bank account at your earliest convenience. If anything, it adds to the urgency.
Yours sincerely
Prof. dr. C.A. de Lange
The Netherlands
Tot op de dag van vandaag is nog steeds geen enkele reactie van Easyjet ontvangen. Ik onderzoek momenteel op welke wijze en waar een juridische klacht het meest kansrijk is. Mijn boodschap aan de lezer: